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Monica Doll Studios 1941-1952

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Shop for Monica Dolls


The Monica Doll Studio company was created and owned by Mrs. Hansi Share, very little is known of this doll manufacturer of Monica Doll Face, composition, rooted human hair Hollywood, CA USA, but if you ever come across one of these unmarked dolls, there can be no question as to it's origin or how to identify the doll.


They are the only company that ever made a composition or hard plastic doll with rooted hair!  That's right, the human hair is rooted right into the head.  The first sizes offered were 21 and 24" tall (these may have been the cloth body dolls), later they added sizes 11, 17 and 21" tall with an all composition body doll that is made between 1941 to 1948. 


Monica Doll 20" tallShown on this page is the beautiful face of a composition Monica doll, her name is unknown, but look at her wonderful widows peak human hairstyle and beautiful serene facial expression.


Dolls will have their names on the original packaging and the accompanied paper hang tag will state Monica Doll Hollywood.  These dolls were sold at upscale department stores like; F.A.O. Schwarz and Nieman Marcus.


 Marion doll 17", hard plastic, rooted human hair

The vintage Monica doll shown left & above is all composition, fully jointed, human hair rooted into the scalp (not a glued on wig, the inside tag reads), so you can comb or curl her hair without spoiling it, painted eyes, closed mouth, some have a decided widows peak hairstyle as shown here, and were dressed in appropriate clothing for this time period. 


Unsure if doll is in her original clothing, does appear appropriate for the time period, however I think these girls would have worn quite elaborate gowns, but so few examples have surfaced, we can't be certain they all did, however some dolls were definitely sold in gowns.  


In 1949-1952 they added a line of all hard plastic dolls named Marion (shown on right), that have the same patented process of rooting human hair into the dolls hard plastic scalp, with sleep eyes and painted features, also unmarked.


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